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Valerie's Scrapbook Letters Mini Book

"What a great way to scrapbook letters"

scrapbook letters mini bookWhat makes you so special

Last month, my daughter’s teacher asked every parent to write a letter to our kids to explain to them how important and talented they are, and how much we valued them. I thought it was a good opportunity for me to make her a nice, compact and funny album.

The album is an accordion made of 6 CD envelopes. Each one has got a tag: one side shown thought the envelope round window and the other side appears when you pull it out the envelope. I chose her favorite color (orange) as a “guide line” for papers.

I enjoyed really much the time I spent making this album, thinking how great she is! And she just loved to be the only girl in class to get a book instead of a letter!

Valerie Valdez
Lima, Peru

scrapbook letters mini album cover

A birds eye view of the accordion folded album

scrapbook letters mini book made with CD mailers

scrapbook letters mini album inner pages

mini album inner pages

mini album inner pages

mini album inner pages

mini book made for her daughter

mini book made for her daughter


Thank you Valerie for for showing us your CD mailer mini book.  What a great idea. your daughter is very lucky. If you are after some CD envelopes just ask at your local post shop.

If you would like to share your latest mini album or mini scrapbook idea then you head over to the submission page or send us an email.

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