Pregnancy Scrapbook Mini Album
Instead of a full on pregnancy journal why don't you keep a pregnancy scrapbook mini album instead. While a daily journal is a huge undertaking it is still important to record how you felt and to keep track of those key moments throughout your pregnancy. After all in the space of less than a year your life will never be the same.

Create a pregnancy keepsake for your children to treasure
If you are able to keep a daily journal that's great! A scaled down version in the form of a scrapbook mini album would be perfect to share your pregnancy thoughts and feelings with your family and friends. And eventually this precious keepsake will some day be passed down to your child.
Gift for a new mother
If you are not the baby making type then make a pregnancy mini album as a gift for a friend or family member instead. The mother to be will love it. A paper bag album or other mini album would be great.

Make a Pregnancy Scrapbook mini album or Pregnancy journal
Create a special one of a kind mini album scrapbook for the new mother to be to record some of the most precious moments throughout her pregnancy.
A few ideas to kick start your pregnancy album.
We're gonna be parents!
- Photos: pregnancy test, photo of yourself and/or your partner
- Titles: It's a positive thing; Positively YES, We're expecting; The day we found out; We passed (the test), We're Pregnant; Woohoo! Great Expectations
- Journaling: Document how you felt? freaked out? nervous? excited? What was the first thing you said / thought / did? How did you celebrate? Were you by yourself when you took the test? If so how did dad react?
Announcing to friends and family
- Photos: The look on their faces
- Titles: Got news; We've got news; we know something you don't know; It's starts with B (for baby or P for pregnant)
- Journaling: Again how did they feel? What did they do? Celebrate? Maybe get them to write how they felt themselves so that it will be in their own words
Baby's due date
- Photos: Probably don't need one. maybe you can put the due date on a tag and include it in another page.
- Titles: Coming soon (to a hospital near you lol ;) In due time,
- Journaling:
What's in a name (boys / girls)
- No photos for this one - maybe just a couple of pages, one for boys names and one for girls names.
- Titles: The name game; pick a name; names; if you're a girl; if you're a boy; boy; girl; the perfect name
- Journaling: List both boys and girls names, who really wanted to name baby, who got the final say in deciding, what names you loved and dad hated and vice versa. hmmmm, an after thought - Don't you think our kids will be cringing (or laughing) one day when they read about what we almost named them.... ;)
Step away from the food!
- Photos: your favourite food; food to stay away from; you eating! nice.
- Titles: Cravings!; Gotta have! & Can't stand!; The pregnancy/baby made me do it; Blame it on the baby;
- Journaling: What did you crave? Did you send your partner to make any late night trips to grab a milkshake like my friend Candice! What wouldn't you touch with a ten foot pole?
- Photos: The ultra sound of course!!
- Titles: First glimpse, Sneak preview; So tiny; first pictures; Love at first sight; An inside view; There is love in my belly; You; A Sneak Peek At Baby; A Womb With A View
- Journaling: What did your ultrasound/s reveal? The due date or a change of due date? The baby's gender? To what degree ie - 80% sure it's a boy? How far along were you at the time? another afterthought - were you able to walk casually to the bathroom afterwards lol?

Love letters
- Photos: no photos just journaling as a letter or on tags etc
- Titles: Our hopes for you (dreams, wishes); I wonder if you will... (have my daddies eyes etc)
Journaling: Write a letter or note to your baby. What do you wish for her? What will you do? What are your fears? How do you feel right now? Any advice or instructions for your baby when they're grown? Do you have any family rituals to pass down?
The baby shower!
There are a few ways to approach this step. You could include one or all of the following:
- Attendance register (signed or unsigned)
- Gift register (combine with attendance register...or not)
- Advice to mum from all who attended (or advice for baby when he has grown)
- A pocket full of baby shower cards
- letter to baby with wishes for his future
- Photos: photograph gifts, group-shot of everyone
- Titles: Baby shower;
There is love in my belly
- Photos: Take a monthly photos of your tummy. Some suggest that you take the monthly photo wearing the same pre pregnancy t-shirt. Photos of maternity clothing tags including sizing. Get someone to take some nice photos of you and your beautiful belly
- Titles: In full Bloom; Blooming; Growing you; Growing and glowing; Its just baby weight; Growing with love; where are my feet? Beautiful belly; a little bit pregnant, a lot pregnant; Ready to pop;
- Journaling: how does it feel? Measure your waist and Note down your weight every now and then (don't forget to date it)
Baby kicks
- Photos: a distended stomach from baby's elbow makes a good shot.
- Titles: Kick boxer, movement, feels like love; is this what love feels like
- Journaling: When did you first feel baby kicking? What were you doing at the time? How did you feel? Did baby kick like crazy; or was she the quiet content type;
Birth plan
- Photos: Write up a birth plan and take a pic of it if you have one or you can journal it
- Titles: Plan of action;
- Journaling: What is your plan?
before baby
Doctors visit
- Photos: Take photos of baby's doctor, while your being examined if you can
- Titles: Doctors visits; The person in charge
- Journaling: Keep a record of your progression, weights, general health etc
The baby's crib
- Photos: Decorating the nursery; Dad putting together the cot/crib, Include a sample of the nursery wallpaper or a paint swatch
- Titles: The nursery; baby dorm; baby hangout
- Journaling: Shopping list for the nursery
- Photos: Mum, siblings and belly, picture that your older child drew for the new baby
- Titles: Big brother / Sister;
- Journaling: ask your older child to write a letter to baby or ask them how they feel and journal it yourself; Journal any funny references your older child makes to the new addition to the family
Titles for your Pregnancy Scrapbook Mini Album
- we're expecting
- we're pregnant
- waiting 4 u
- there is love in my belly
- bump
- growing you
- a new beginning
- journey of love
- baby adventure
- coming soon
- love grows
- the bun in my oven
- an angel in the making
- 9 1/2 months
- my pregnancy journal
- A New Bundle Of Joy, Is It A Girl Or A Boy?
Pregnancy Scrapbook Poetry, quotes and song lyrics
- before i formed you in the womb, i knew you - Jeremiah 1:5
- With arms wide open - Creed - great lyrics!
- Blessings upon you, my baby unborn
Safely inside me, asleep and so warm,
Sleep must come easy to those who are unborn,
As the maker so silently fashions your form.
Sleep, while you can, so watery and warm,
For outside this world is a terrible storm,
Soon you'll discover the taste of your tears,
So sleep now my loved one, my Baby, my Dear.
- Unknown
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