Welcome to another edition of Mini Albums to Go where we bring you up to speed with what's going on at We have lots of new mini album tutorials for you to try out, a couple of giveaways and a brand new contest that anyone can enter.
If this newsletter is not displaying in all its colorful glory, you can view it on the web at:
Latest Tutorials
Id badge holder mini album
Badge holder mini album. Be sure to see this newsletters freebie mothers day printable mini book.
Toilet roll mini album
Recycled scrapbooking at its peak! How cool are these mini toilet roll scrapbooks. Great for beginners and experts alike.
Square mini albums
Love the minis that are a keepsake and display item all in one? Then you will have fun making this mini album.
Tri-fold mini scrapbook
Amy Mahart shares her tutorial to make this tri-fold cardstock mini scrapbook.

Vinyl records mini album
Use those old school retro vinyl records to make fantastic round mini albums.
We'd love to feature your own Mini album tutorial email us at to submit yours.
Free Digital Gift For You For Mother's Day
Do you have Momitude? Celebrate your Motherhood this Mother's Day with an adorable digital kit from designer Miss Mint at Peppermint
Filled with feminine colors and fabulous elements, this kit is perfect for all your special pages, projects and gifts and it's yours FREE for a limited time!

Use coupon code: MOM09KIT at checkout to download for free.
*Customers must
create an account at to redeem. Expires: May 14, 2010.* specializes in original digital & hybrid digital scrapbook products including papers, elements, alphabets, coordinated kits,
layered templates, hybrid projects, calendars, digital die-cutting files for your Silhouette, Wishblade & Cricut.
Visit our
FREE page for our current complimentary download.
Follow Peppermint Creative on
Facebook or
Upcycle your toilet rolls mini album competition
She who recycles best wins! We have a little competition which is all about upcycling your toilet tissue rolls. Make something fabulous with them for your chance to win a scrapbook voucher prize from the online scrapbook store of your choice.
Competition Ends June 30th, 2010
For details on how to enter please head over to our Toilet Roll Mini Scrapbook Contest page
Free Printable Mothers Day Badge Album
We have made an exclusive Mothers Day album for our newsletter subscribers. to print off and make. Simply cut out each of the pages, attach your cropped photo and slip them into a badge holder. You can make this mini mom album any time you like. It's not just for mothers day.

Download printable mothers day mini album (1.07MB)
Id badge holder mini album tutorial
Pick of the Bunch
Keeping with the toilet paper roll theme, this months featured readers mini is this
Family mini book by Leanne. Check out all the pretty pages.

Stuff you oughta know
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