In the mean time I have made up a 2008 calendar template which can be printed directly on to a piece of 12x12 cardstock that I will share with you all. It's a fairly basic calendar that can be used in a number of different ways.
Some ideas that you might want to try to make your 2008 calendar.
Send me pictures of your 2008 mini album calendar. The best submission sent to me by 20th September will win a few scrapbook products to make your next mini album including a chipboard purse album. Send your submission to info [at] with 'calendar submission' in the subject box.
What have you been up to?
I would really love to see what you've been up to and I'm sure our fellow readers would as well. Why don't you share some of your scrapbooking mojo with the rest of us mini album lovers. I know we could all use some fresh inspiration from time to time. Send me an email of your latest scrapbook mini album caper along with photos of your album and yourself (if you like) I will pick out an email or two each month to feature on my newsletter... So don't be shy now and send your stuff to info [at] with 'mini album submission' in the subject box.
note. I don't wanna get into any trouble so make sure any submissions are your own work.
Is your blog naked?
I have been delving into the world of digital art quite a bit lately, working on my enhancing my mediocre Photoshop skills. While I am not much into digital scrapbooking I will in the future create some 'just add photos' templates that can be used to print off a 6x6 mini album or similar. In the meantime though I have been playing around with blog banners. These are the pretty banners you find at the top of most blogs. But not all, some blogs go naked. No Banner!! I guess not everyone has the skills, the time or maybe the inclination to create a sparkly new banner. So I have made a few templates to share. I know that blogging doesn't really have anything to do with mini albums, not directly anyways. But I thought it would be a fun addition to my newsletter. A neat little freebie just for my subscribers.
So this is how it works. I have made three 760x240px banner templates with instructions on how to edit them in Photoshop. Sorry, but if you don't have photoshop then you can't use them. All you need to do is add your photo, change some colours and text and you're set.
You can turn these...

My Life Template

Random thoughts template

Patterned paper template
Into something like this in just a few minutes... Yes Leica, even you can do it!

My Life example

Random thoughts example

Patterned paper example - I used papers from
this free download for this example.
Download Templates now.
Click on the following links to download each separate template. You will be redirected to where the zip files are hosted. Depending on the speed of your connections you may need to wait until you see the text link "Download File" appear.
A quick note on credits and terms of use
When using anyone else's artwork it is always good form to stick to any terms of use and to credit the creator. I don't mind if you don't credit me personally but I did use a couple of brushes that the creators have asked to be credited on. You can use these templates for personal use only.
My Life:
Butterfly by sweartoshakeitup;
Tangled Fleur frame by MissLittleWood, Font=Bambino (couldn't find original author)
Random Thoughts: Template and scalloped frames by ME; The smaller frames I purchased with a commercial license so they are mine also; Font=moms typewriter;
Flowers by mandy
Patterned Paper: Template and everything is by ME, even the stitching and staples. Woohoo my first original template.
How do you credit the creator? A credit note in your blog footer with a link is the norm. Alternatively you can put your 'blog banner credit' down the side bar as an element like your favourite links section.
Last Thought....
If you don't have Photoshop but would really, really like to have one of these banners for your personal blog then email the following information to info [at] and I will email you back a 760x240px banner to use.
- template choice
- photo/s (they don't have to be high resolution / large photos. In fact photos taken on your lowest resolution settings are preferable)
- colour preference
- text you would like displayed
Please Note.
1. So that I don't infringe any copyrights, the fonts I will use will be "free for all" fonts and may not be so flash. If you would like me to use a specific free font or a font you have purchased then attach the font to the email also. That should satisfy the demands of personal use.
2. The patterned paper template does require patterned paper. I suggest that you find a nice freebie that can be downloaded. Check that the terms of use allow it to be used for a personal blog and get permission from the author to have a third party (ME) make your personal blog banner with their download Then send me an Email with the link to the free download and confirmation that you gained permission. I will not create your banner unless you express in your email that you have permission.
If you are required to credit the author of the papers then it is your responsibility to do so.
3. If you do use any of the above banner you will be required to credit the above authors if you use the banner on your blog. Credit for my efforts would be great but is totally optional. You can provide credit to me either as or
4. I will definitely do the first 20 or so requests in a timely fashion. I will put my money where my mouth is just to prove how quick and easy they are to make using my nifty, easy to use templates. heehee :)
Stuff you oughta know